Ok, there’s your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Snapchat, to get through, let alone your Messenger, WhatsApp and regular texts to read and respond to! It takes dedication (and a helluva lot of time!) to keep up with the constant flow of ‘information’ about the hundreds of people you know and follow and check if they are noticing, liking and following you back!.
If you are really honest, there is every likelihood that you are spending much longer each day connected to your social media feed than you would prefer. So how do you change that? We are social beings - herd animals, if you like! Humans need connection to feel secure. You might argue that watching what is happening in your friends’ lives is a type of connection. But it is removed and voyeuristic, actually creating a sense of missing out and aloneness. In Psychology Today, Amy Morin, says “Of course, it would seem logical to assume that people use Facebook because it somehow enhances their lives. But oddly, research suggests the opposite. Studies show Facebook use is associated with lower life satisfaction... envying your friends on Facebook leads to depression." If you are feeling frustrated by the way your addiction to your social media feed is shrinking your enjoyment of life, here are some ways to develop strategies:
When you make any of these changes, check in with your own happiness and engagement with your experience of life. Acknowledge any improvement you feel by disconnecting from the relentless social media feed that was previously eating up your life. Be kind to yourself. If you slip up and find your thumbs flicking through the relentless feeds, close it down, congratulate yourself for noticing, forgive yourself and re-commit to your goal. The moment you do, you'll get the time back to be involved in your own version of life, rather than somebody else’s. Let me know your thoughts... Vanessa 0414 99 66 13 ThoughtMatters
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Vanessa Steele: counsellor, mum, partner, blogger... listening and learning every day. Categories